Verses of Renewal By SPOKN
2 min readNov 16, 2023


The Battlefield of the Mind

My Struggle with Mental Tornment

mental turmoil
mental turmoil

I sat and brainstormed on Big Momma’s couch. With suspicion, my thoughts had gone wild, clustered imaginations in a confused web. My emotions were altered and fickled all around. I pranced around in distress, I won’t compromise despite my double mind. Hydra the mean beast has oppressed me. All day long he tempted me I had a blonde moment in big momma’s seat. As I wrestled with the lies of the enemy…



Verses of Renewal By SPOKN

♣️SPOKN is my pen/ stage name- ♠️My writing is a testament to the resilience and my redemptive testimony! 🖤Redemption stories-Second Chances and Confessions.