Verses of Renewal By SPOKN
3 min read6 days ago


Does My Inner Child Want To Heal Me?

photo created @Canva
#photo created @canva

From the very depths of my heart, I’ve kept hidden, a truth I’ve muffled for the longest time. Inside me, there’s an inner child whose silent cries and whispers have gone unanswered. When I heard folks talk badly about women who didn’t have a decent father figure. Secretly, every word stung like a bee, and underneath it all, my inner girl felt so alone, betrayed by the world and even by me — because I knew, deep down, she was longing for her…



Verses of Renewal By SPOKN

♣️SPOKN is my pen/ stage name- ♠️My writing is a testament to the resilience and my redemptive testimony! 🖤Redemption stories-Second Chances and Confessions.